What to Do When Your Throwing Mechanics Desert You!

Has it happened to you yet?... You go out to the ball field, and your pregame warm-ups are showing you that today is going to be a great day! Everything looks and feels good; your fielding, your hitting, it's all looking solid.

Then suddenly, it happens. At some point during the game you make a throwing error.  No worries, wipe it off no big deal- Get 'em next time, right?  Another ball is hit to you and another throwing error happens, but this time it puts your team behind.  You see your team is bummed by the costly error, but they tell you to shake it off - and you do. 
Next ball to you, and OMG, you sail it over your intended targets head, and more runs score!  At this point, you just want to watch the rest of the game from the car.


It Is Not a Question of If, but When!​

Okay, so you elected not to pack up your things and watch from the car - Good job! Even better, you had decided to go back out and give it your all!  Awesome!!!
Not soon after you take your position, the ball is hit to you, and then your mind begins to wonder. It begins telling you that you have just been deemed the "weak link" to hit to.  
No way, not me, you begin repeatedly telling yourself, as you field the ball. Things are looking good so far,  and then...whoomp! there it is! You sail the ball way over your intended target. You just reached a new high in your lowest point as a ball player. You are mortified! The jeers from the team are now burned into your brain. The same brain that has now convinced you that you can't throw worth beans!  So what do you to fix this mental setback, and can it be fixed quickly, during a game? The answer is yes!

The first and most important thing to remember is, YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

It is As Easy As 1-2-3-4! ​

t is very important that every ball player young, or old - professional or recreational, all go through struggles with their game. That is understandable seeing that softball and baseball are very mental sports. Okay, with that said, let's get back to you. You just realized your brain is sending bad messages that you can't throw, that you're going to make the same mistake every time you try, and that you are the weakest link in the game!  Wow, that is a lot to hold on to.  

The truth is, you are not any of those things, you just misplaced your throwing mechanics and you need to find it again.  There is an easy "reset" that I give to my students when they struggle with throwing accurately. 

First, Keep your head lined up with your target at all times. Do not lower your head to either side. Keep it upright so you have a good view of the target you are throwing to.    

Secondly, Make sure you align your self with your target by having that first step towards your target (glove side leg) is a side -step. This not only will help establish the line between you and your target, it will keep your hips from opening up too early when throwing.

Thirdly, "show your palm" (the hand holding the ball) to the target until you are ready to release. If you are not doing this, then you will not be able to properly line up your throwing arm with your target.

Lastly, turn off the brain. There is a time and place to do your thinking. i.e. in between pitches preferably. However, once the pitcher comes set, you are no longer thinking - you are doing! You are carrying out the plan you thought about in between pitches. Remember though, the plan can quickly change, so reassess your strategy after each pitch.  

You got this!!!

Defensive Training

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