Frequently Asked Questions


Welcome to Our Frequently Asked Questions Page

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We think it would be helpful for you to first check out our more Frequently Asked Questions.  You just may find your question below.  If not, no worries!  Feel free to contact us, so we can make sure you get the answer to your specific question. 

Q: What kind of training is provided?

A: PSBT provides One-on-One Player Development Training, for Baseball AND Softball.  We also provide Group Sessions (up to 4 players per session), and offer Team Workouts and Coaching Clinics. Both are very helpful to those new to coaching a team.

Q: Where will the training sessions take place?

A: For defensive training we encourage working out on the field you play on most. However, we also have access to indoor facilities, where hitting and fielding lessons can be provided.

Q: How do I get started with the program?

A: It’s fun and free! For the first session, PSBT provides a free half-hour player assessment that new students always find fun. Following the assessment, we will sit down with you and your ball player to learn what player goal(s) they would like to achieve for the season. Taking their input and yours, a custom program will be developed to accomplish those goals.

Q: What does a Baseball/Softball personal trainer do?

A: Here, we train with the player. There is nothing we ask of a player, that we won’t do ourselves. This helps with building trust and confidence between player and Instructor.  To reinforce player confidence, obtainable goals come with every lesson, in order for the student   (and parent) can see noticeable improvements in their game.

Q: What should players bring with them to training sessions?

A: PSBT students are expected to show up to practice ready to go, dressed in baseball/softball apparel, having reliable equipment to get the job done. If shorts and tennis shoes are worn, the player will be sent home, and billed for the full session.  The second time, the student will be doing sliding drills.   Incidentally, no student has been foolish enough to see if that’s true – Please don’t be the first.

Q: What age and skill level are your sessions geared for?

A: PSBT sessions are available for  Tee-ball players, Youth Baseball and Softball, as well as Adult Baseball, and Softball.  All PSBT sessions are customized to meet the players exact needs, so our training works for a wide range of intellect, age, and skill level.  Regardless of age and ability, we have a level of expectation for ALL of our students.

Q: Are you exclusive to baseball or will you train softball players?

A: PSBT provides instruction for both Baseball and Softball players of any age group and skill level.  Boys and Girls, Men and Women of all ages and abilities are welcomed.

Q: How often should we expect to train with you?

A: We typically work with players who have game and practice schedules to balance.  So, to avoid player burnout or injury, we recommend a one, two-hour training session a week being enough. On the other hand, off season training, or getting ready for Little League or High School Try-outs would be good reason to increase the number of sessions per week.

Q: Can I watch my son/daughter practice?

A: Absolutely! In fact, if you bring a glove, you can be a part of the practice! We welcome this, along with recording segments of your ball players session. This way, you can practice the drills at home, reinforcing what your ball player just learned.



If you were not able to find the answer to your question above,, feel free to contact us so you can get answers to your questions.