Adult Player Training Is a Smart Way to Stay in the Game

Adult Player Training: A Smart Way to Stay in The Game

Adult Baseball and Softball leagues are commonly plagued with player fatigue, and injury.  That is why lately, I have been seeing many players begin to invest in player training and conditioning, as a way to stay in the game.  It is not only stay in the game, but stay in the game at a level of performance they expect of themselves.
Looking back, Adult Baseball or Adult Softball training would rattle a player, thinking they were getting rusty, old, losing the gift!  Nothing could be farther from the truth.  I think the adult player who seeks training, is a player who clearly wants to protect or elevate the quality of their game.  As a very active adult baseball and softball player myself, I have learned to work smarter on the field, and adopt practices that condition and restore my body, when I am not playing.  Today, more adult baseball and adult softball players are seeing the benefits of training, as a smart investment to stay in the game.
It is important however, to be clear on your player goals, so you can find the right trainer for you. For the adults who train with me, workouts are always tailored to the player’s abilities and generally include the following:

  • Player Assessment
  • Player Conditioning
  • Pre-game Stretches and Warm-ups 
  • Player Mechanics
  • Player/Position Efficiency Methods, to play smarter, not harder
  • Post-game Player Maintenance
    * Lessons are always tailored to a player’s physical and mental abilities, and come with my player guarantee

What Should You Look for In a Trainer?

Although, adult baseball or adult softball training is a smart way to stay in the game, having a patient and knowledgeable trainer, is critical.  Before placing your trust with a trainer, make sure you see they at least, provide you with the following::

•  A plan on how they will develop your player efficiency

• Drills should be promoting sound player mechanics/fundamentals

• Trainer should know how to improve your player skills with a “work smarter, not harder” approach

• Trainer should have experience and proven success with training adults players 35+

• Training should never be one-program-fits-all. Training must suit your own physical and mental abilities

• Your trainer should develop a Pre and Post Game warm up and stretch routine, in line with your abilities

• Trainer should provide a plan and timeline, to achieve your goals

• Your trainer should be able to spot issues, then quickly and clearly communicate the remedy

Get A Free Player Assessment

Have a Question?

I would love the opportunity to work with you.  However, whether you train with me, or with someone else, always remember that you are ultimately in charge.  So, if your trainer is not on the same page as you, or you not seeing results right away, move on!  As a younger player our bodies could get away with improper mechanics, but now a days mechanics and a smart workout plan should be the standard for adult baseball or adult softball training.  If you have any questions, feel free to contact me

PBST Instructor, Darren Elliott

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